OnSite Wellness Blog

Moving Into The New Year

Written by thrive_onsitewellness | Jan 4, 2018 9:47:27 PM


Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions, gym memberships, weight-loss goals, and the newest dieting trends. This time of year can either benefit you or burden you in your journey towards better health and it’s up to you to choose how to ring in the New Year!

FETCH The Benefits of the New Year



Feeling bombarded with the newest trends and quickest weight fixes? It’s easy to get caught up and overwhelmed by all the health ‘shoulds’ and ‘should-nots’ of the new year. But instead of getting swept away by it all, stay grounded by focusing on what is most important to you. Make clear and specific goals that will help you stay focused on your health this year.


Whether it’s a new week, new month, or new year, having a clean slate and a fresh start can boost our energy and eagerness for the future. What excites you about the year ahead? Jot down three things you are looking forward to.


New Year’s resolutions are not called ‘January resolutions’ for a reason; they are meant to be long-term resolutions, decisions, and goals. When you think about your intentions for the upcoming year, give yourself time and be patient for change.


Speaking of change, what changes do you want to make? Do you want to sleep more? Find more time in the week to practicing relaxing activities? Connect more with close friends? How about making it a priority to manage stress in healthy ways? Write down a few changes you want to make this new year and include why you want to make them.


Being that we are creatures of habit, the new year is the perfect time to pause everything and hone in on your habits. What habits in the passed year helped you? What habits hindered you? What one new habit will you commit to practicing this new year?

Need some motivation? Check out this list of 10 healthy resolutions.

Thinking about making some changes to your eating habits? Check out our "Weight Loss Do's & Don'ts" in the blog post below:
