OnSite Wellness Blog

Spring Cleaning All Around

Written by thrive_onsitewellness | Apr 2, 2018 2:41:03 PM

Spring cleaning presents an opportunity to 'clean house' - literally, but also physically and mentally. One look outside reminds us the importance of starting fresh; allowing new life to spring forth. Check out this week's tips to kick start this refreshing season!

Eliminate Allergens

Eliminate as many allergens as you can. Replace your HVAC system to keep dust to a minimum, wear a face mask when doing yard work to prevent dust and pollen from entering your nose, mouth, and eyes, check your weather for pollen alerts and avoid windy, high-pollen days. For those that you can't avoid, try natural remedies like using a neti pot, acupuncture, or eating more onion and garlic.

Put a Spring in Your Step

With longer days and warmer weather, step outside for daily activity. Find a nearby walking path or trail for walks, jogs, or bike rides. Can't get motivated? Phone a friend; activity with others is a great encouragement.

Plate of Produce

Fill up on seasonal produce at the grocery store or market. As a matter of fact, fruits and vegetables in season provide peak nutrients to help repair and restore our bodies. Springs specialties include asparagus, peas, rhubarb, strawberries, and apricots.

Mind Your Mentality

Our mental health has a direct impact on our physical health. Therefore, this Spring, take inventory of your mental health and be honest about what it is you want to change. Practice writing down your thoughts as a way to gain clarity around what's really going on. Practices like mindfulness, yoga, and regularly being outdoors in nature can all help support a healthier mind.

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