OnSite Wellness Blog

Corporate Wellness: Expectations VS Reality

Written by OnSite | Jul 15, 2019 3:45:00 PM

When implementing a corporate wellness program for your business there may be some misconceptions out there as to how the programs should be run and what type of results they produce. Don't get us wrong, corporate wellness in any form is a step in the right direction, but managing expectations vs reality is crucial to keeping the team on track. Here are some common misconceptions about corporate wellness programs and what you should really expect during implementation.

Expectation: A One Size Fits All Approach Means It Will Work For Every Employee 

Reality: Each Employee May Have Different Health and Wellness Goals 

Some companies assume that one corporate wellness program will work for every employee and that just isn't the case. Each employee requires different care on their wellness journey and should not be treated as the rest. In order to implement a successful corporate wellness plan every individual's separate needs will be considered and will work with the organizations overall goals and plans. If you don't, you might find a couple employees left in the dust. 

Expectation: I Can Implement Corporate Wellness For My Employees, Not Myself

Reality: You Must Participate In Your Companies Corporate Wellness Program Too 

A business owner cannot properly take care of their employees unless they have taken care of themselves first. Consider your time at and away from work and how you can improve your personal health. OnSite's own Amy Ritsema discusses the importance of business owners putting their own health first as well as some questions you can ask yourself on your wellness journey in this video

Expectation: After A Few Short Months I Should Be Able To End The Program 

Reality: Keeping Corporate Wellness Long Term Sets You Up For Success Now and Forever

Corporate wellness isn't just a one-and-done. It takes adjusting along the way to ensure goals are attainable and flexible. Corporate health and wellness programs are paramount in ensuring employee’s well-being and happiness which leads to increased productivity. Staying flexible along the way to support your organization’s short term and long term goals is crucial to provide extensive reports and professional insights to help you ensure the success of your wellness initiative.

Interested in jumpstarting your corporate wellness strategy? Contact OnSite Wellness today!