OnSite Wellness Blog

From Couch to 5K: A Training Plan for New Runners

Written by OnSite | Jul 10, 2024 12:00:00 PM

For new runners, a 5K can sound pretty intimidating. But even if you’ve never run before, running your first 5K is completely achievable, regardless of your fitness level. You just need to have patience, persistence, and lots of motivation. Of course, it also helps to have a solid training plan.

Luckily for you, we've put together a simple program to get you off the couch and smiling as you cross the finish line, including a couch to 5K plan, designed just for running newbies.

Why a 5K is ideal for beginners.

A 5K is a great distance for any new runner because it’s a distance that pretty much anyone can finish with just a bit of training. Every runner’s journey starts somewhere. And for most runners, that starting point is a 5K. Even those who regularly run marathons most likely started with a local 5K and built up to running marathons over time.

The 5K is short for five kilometers, where one kilometer is equivalent to 0.62 of a mile, making a 5K race 3.1 miles long. Of all the race distances, 5Ks are the easiest to find and fit into your schedule. In most cities, you can find them every weekend throughout the spring, summer, and fall. To find a race in your area, check out Running In The USA or RunSignup.

Running a 5K may seem like a lofty goal, and you might even be a little scared, but you can do this. The human body is an amazing thing, and with proper training and sufficient rest, it can adapt and perform in ways you may have never thought possible. 

The first few weeks will be the toughest. This is usually the case when starting any new workout program. Between settling into a new routine and soothing your sore muscles, you might feel like you’re not making any progress. But be patient — running gets easier over time.

The physical changes that occur within your body to make running feel more comfortable typically take 4–6 weeks. So don’t give up before then.

Our training plan.

This plan is for beginner runners who want to complete their first 5K, or someone who may have run a 5K in the past but has since gotten away from their running routine. 

•    Start by adding 10–15-minutes of walking 5 days a week.
•    Every 2 weeks, increase your daily session by 5-10 minutes. If it's hard to walk 15-25 minutes, break the time into 2 sessions a day. Keep your goal of at least 5 active days a week.
•    Once you're walking for 30–45 minutes a day, track how far you're walking. Then, start to challenge yourself by increasing your speed or decreasing the time it takes you to walk the same distance.
•    As you gain strength, challenge yourself by adding hills or increasing the incline on your treadmill. If on a treadmill, build yourself up to increase the incline by a 1% grade every 10 minutes. 
•    As you continue to gain strength, start increasing the incline every 5 minutes for your 30–45-minute walk.
•    Once you feel comfortable walking on an incline/hill, jogging should feel like an easier next step. Start slow and alternate between 5 minutes of jogging and 5 minutes of walking, if needed. 
•    As your endurance improves, jog longer with shorter walking stints between each jogging period. 
•    Once you can jog for 30 minutes, transition to jogging 3 days and walking 2–3 days a week. Keep at least one day for rest and recovery.
•    Now, sign yourself up for that 5K!

We hope these 5K training tips will help you feel motivated to sign up for your first 5K. At OnSite Wellness LLC, health and wellness is our specialty.

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