OnSite Wellness Blog

How to Find Purpose in Your Work

Written by OnSite | Jul 8, 2024 12:00:00 PM

"A job is a job." We've all heard this phrase before. At the end of the day, a job provides an income and supports us financially. And while that might be true, there's still a lot of value in finding meaning in our jobs

Jobs allow us to build relationships, learn new skills, and they bring a sense of identity and purpose to our lives. Purpose at work matters, and most executives agree, according to research conducted by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services. In the study, 89% of leaders surveyed said, "A strong sense of collective purpose drives employee satisfaction."

Having a purpose at work can also help us reduce stress, improve our workplace relationships, and increase our motivation and resilience. 

If you start to wake up feeling uninspired every day, it's time to find a bigger sense of purpose with your work. Here are a few ways you can take some action.

Look for opportunities to grow.

Are you feeling stagnant in your current position? Maybe it's time to take on more responsibilities, learn new skills, work on different projects, or find a mentor.

Look for these opportunities that challenge you and help grow your skillset. By taking on these new responsibilities and tasks, you'll learn more about your potential, and feel more motivated in your work.

Form new relationships.

Instinctively, people want close, healthy relationships — at home and at work. Gallup has repeatedly shown that having friends at work is key to employee engagement and job success.

When you spend 40 hours a week with other people, you’re bound to develop some kind of relationship with one or more of them (and hopefully positive ones). You don’t have to be interested in becoming lifelong friends with your coworkers, but there’s at least value in networking with them.

Find what fuels you.  

Do you like working independently? In groups? Do you like being creative? Take some time to reflect on your interests and motivations. When you know what fuels you, see if your job responsibilities can grow in those areas.

Assessing your values and priorities can help you connect your behavior and tasks to something that genuinely matters to you, allowing you to find purpose in your job. This can align your professional role with your personal values to help you feel more connected to your work.

Change your perspective.  

Another approach is to change the way you look at things. Look for the small things you enjoy about your job. Maybe it’s the commute, or the lack of it. Maybe it's challenging your brain. Maybe it’s keeping you in shape from the physical demands it places on you, or maybe it increases your knowledge base in an area that you can also use at home.

Another exercise is to start a daily gratitude practice. By focusing on what aspects of your job you're thankful for, you’ll reduce your stress levels and create more positive emotions. 

Look for a way to leave your mark.

It not only makes you a valuable employee, but you will be leaving a legacy on the company. Your legacy can be tangible or intangible. For example, while some employees may develop a new software program or create a new system of operations, your lasting impact can be treating others with kindness and respect, or always being willing to advise and train new team members.

By setting a goal for yourself to leave something meaningful behind when you leave your job, you can create purpose for yourself.

At OnSite Wellness, we can help you implement an engaging, purpose-driven wellness program at your workplace. Employee health and wellness is our specialty. Reach out today to get started.