How to Cope with Back-to-School Stress

As the summer winds down and the new school year begins, the excitement of going back to school is often mixed with feelings of stress, anxiety, and nervousness. Back-to-school stress is common for not only students, but parents and teachers as well.

Whether it’s the anticipation of new challenges, the pressure to perform well in class, or the fear of the unknown, these stressors can add up and take a toll on everyone.

Here are some tips that can help ease back-to-school stress.

—Create a daily schedule for each family member and their responsibilities. Share the calendar and make sure everyone understands their responsibilities and what each day looks like.

—Set up a consistent daily routine. This can help children feel more in control and reduce their anxiety. Ensure they get enough sleep, have healthy meals, and engage in physical activities to promote a healthy overall well-being. 

—Start adjusting children's sleep patterns at least two weeks before school starts. Have them start going to sleep and waking up earlier. Increase the time by 30 minutes every five days. Sleep deprivation at any age increases stress and anxiety. 

—Pack backpacks and lunches, and pick out clothes the night before on school nights to help children stay organized.

—Plan and prep for a week's worth of meals ahead of time. Be sure to include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the week. 

—Prepare kids by communicating with them—talk about what their drop-off and pick-up schedules will look like. Discuss after-school activities and figure out how homework will fit into their day-to-day schedule.

—Have open conversations with your child about their worries and feelings related to going back to school. Listen without judgment and offer reassurance when it's needed. Simply supporting them and understanding them can go a long way in reducing their stress.

—Schedule down time each day so children can fully unwind and relax before bedtime.

—Manage your expectations. While it’s natural to want the best for your child, be mindful that you're not setting unrealistic expectations. Each kid is unique, and success shows up in a variety of forms. Celebrate their efforts rather than just focusing on wins.

Being prepared and planning ahead helps reduce stress for the whole family. However, remember to stay flexible and be willing to adjust when you learn what works and what doesn’t.

We hope these tips can make the start of the school year an exciting and positive experience for everyone. At OnSite Wellness LLC, health and wellness is our specialty.

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