Spring Break is just around the corner, and a lot of us are looking forward to time off from our jobs, routines, and (hopefully) the cold weather. But, it’s easy to see vacation as a break from everything—including healthy eating habits.

How To Fuel Your Workouts
Mar 06, 2024 |
Have you started working out since the new year? And are you feeling the benefits? Have you been an avid athlete training for an upcoming event? Whether competitive or recreational, physical activity puts extra demands on your body. So you need to...

Heart Health and Blood Pressure: How High Blood Pressure Affects the Heart
Feb 09, 2024 |
Everyone has heard of the term "high blood pressure" before, and most likely knows someone with the condition. In fact, 1 out of 3 three American adults has it. So it can't be that bad for your health, right? The truth is, when left untreated, high...

Heart Health and Stress: Tips to Keep Stress from Hurting Your Heart
Feb 08, 2024 |
February is American Heart Month. Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States? Fortunately, it's also one of the most preventable.

Tips for Staying Active During the Winter
Jan 08, 2024 |
When the sun is shining, the sky is bright and blue, and the breeze is just right, it takes little to no convincing to get outside and move your body. But when we're stuck in the gloomy, gray-filled skies of winter, it can be difficult to find the...

How SMART Goals Can Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
Jan 01, 2024 |
We've finally made it to the new year. It's that time when we're all buzzing with excitement as we focus on new beginnings and getting a fresh start in 2024. But, the new year can also feel overwhelming. Setting big goals and new year's resolutions...